Hello my friends, both colleagues and clients past and present. To those of us new to each other, my name is Philip Louis Accaria. I come from a field of mental health, practicing since 1976. I hold a Ph.D. in psychology and am a licensed psychologist in both Tennessee and New Jersey. I also hold PsyPact APIT E. Passport credentialing which enables me to conduct telehealth sessions with patients in 33 states at the time of this writing. After obtaining a Bachelor of Arts from New York University, I went on to gain a Masters of Arts in Clinical Psychology from Indiana University of Pennsylvania, finishing with a Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology from United States International University at San Diego, CA. I am a Past-president of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH), a Past-moderator/chair of the ASCH Board of Governors, and Past-president of the Clinical Hypnosis Society of New Jersey. I also serve as an Advisory Editor of the ASCH American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis. In February 2022, Dr. Accaria moved his home and practice to the Nashville, TN area.
As many of you know, I have also trained in the principles and healing methods of the ancient indigenous (shamanic) energy medicine practices. I apply these indigenous methods, when appropriate, in conjunction with the more linear, conventional, psychological methods to any variety of modern day emotional, thinking, behavioral, and physical (medical) challenges. Essentially, I help people by bridging the linear and the non-linear realms, that is, the material world with the spiritual world.
My clinical interventions also incorporate the use of hypnosis, its language, and altered states of awareness (daydream-like states) of both the patient and myself as we use our “intuition” throughout our work together. I also incorporate the most current metaphysical information into our work together.
My studies and training in indigenous healing practices began in 1992 with the works of Lakota medicine men Wallace Black Elk and Archie Fire Lame Deer. From 2002-2005, I studied intensively with psychologist and medical anthropologist Dr. Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D. and with Sister Valori Lordi, O.P., a Dominican nun, nurse, and healer. I also studied with Greenland shaman Angaangaq and Hawaiian kahuna, Ho’oponopono practitioner, and Clinical Psychologist, Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, Ph.D. My training also expands to the advanced levels of Thought Field Therapy, Spiritual Response Therapy, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, and to the level of Reiki Master.
I have also been conducting workshops in hypnosis, indigenous healing practices, muscle-testing techniques, and intuitive skill development to physicians, psychologists, social workers, nurses, and other licensed mental health care workers throughout the USA since the early 1990s. Many of you adventurous clinicians who have attended my workshops called A Gathering of Healers presented with Dr. Philip R. Appel, are very familiar with much of the information contained on this web site.
As both a licensed psychologist and indigenous energy medicine practitioner, I am uniquely able to weave into modern-day psychotherapy the traditional, indigenous energy medicine practices to both assess and intervene on the “non-linear”, energetic levels of the client’s symptoms and circumstances. I conduct the energy and metaphysical assessments, in part, through the use of intuition. The client and I then employ a tool called muscle-testing, also referred to as the kinesiology response, to assess the accuracy of the intuitively derived information.
The energies that are at the source of the individual’s problems can be cleared, in great part, by employing the indigenous, energy medicine technologies. You can read about this in greater depth on my article page called Considerations. These indigenous interventions address the energetic systems of a person including the Luminous Energy Field (LEF) often called the “aura;” chakras, meridians, and also involve interventions known as soul-retrieval, soul-extractions, and soul-releases.
My use of the traditional, indigenous, energy medicine practices, in conjunction with the conventional, modern-day practices, is founded upon the understanding that we human beings are primarily spiritual and energetic beings referred to by some as souls, having human experiences. Some metaphysicians, theologians, and philosophers believe our souls incarnate in order to raise our levels of consciousness ultimately, to achieve enlightenment, i.e., full awareness of Divine Consciousness. My inclination and ability to utilize the indigenous energy medicine practices has been validated, in part, by medicine men, medicine women, shamans, and intuitives, who have said that my soul has been doing this kind of work throughout many lifetimes. Some have said, “Your soul is vested in the ‘medicine tradition.’” For example, one ‘intuitive’ said to me, “You are a medicine man who also possesses the tools of a contemporary clinical psychologist. Your soul is the shamanic soul and you bridge both worlds - the spiritual and the material.” (Catarina Gilstra, 2004)
In my personal life I enjoy hiking 3 or more miles a day, listening to music, marksmanship, and spending in the woods. Horses and pick-up trucks also tug at my heart. I have been a lifelong athlete, long distance runner, and gym aficionado.
Thank you for visiting this website. Please feel free to peruse the other sections of this site and to contact me if you like. Also feel free to share this information with your friends, family, and colleagues who you think would be interested.
Blessings always and in all ways.