Video Study
These teachers have had a significant impact on my study and research. Enjoy!
Marcel Vogel
Marcel, who was a scientist with multiple patents at IBM for 27 years, demonstrated how a person can weave together the “intellectual science with the spiritual science.” His pioneering work with crystal healing still guides me today.
Wallace Black Elk
One of the truly “Holy Men” I have studied. This humble Lakota medicine man has been an exceptional example of one who bridges the spirit world with the material world in modern day times. Gift yourself by reading his story and watching his videos on Youtube.
David R. Hawkins
David achieved enlightment in this lifetime. His research and writings on the topic of muscle-testing and his metaphysical writings have actually served to raise my own level of consciousness simply by “exposure.”
Judith Orloff
A psychiatrist and intuitive extraordinaire. You’ll meet her by reading her book: Second Sight. I sense Judith and I are kindred spirits. Her workshop, Becoming An Intuitive Healer is essentially superimposable on my workshop, A Gathering of Healers.
Louise Hay
I believe Louise Hay was guided by the angelic realm to write her book: You Can Heal Your Life. A loving and courageous soul who faced the demons and won. Treat yourself to her movie: You Can Heal Your Life: The Extended Version.