Workshops Coming Soon…
Public Offerings
One’s Energetic Self/Body
Remote Viewing
Developing Intuitive Skills
Levels of Conciousness
Deciphering Your Power Animal Totems
Workshops for Professionals
Indigenous and Metaphysical Healing Practices
Developing Intuitive Skills of the Clinician
Healing Arts in Spiritual Manner
I invite you to participate in remote healing sessions. Simply contact me and we will schedule a session in the following areas:
Remote indigenous healing sessions with licensed clinicians and their clients
Face to face psychotherapy sessions which incorporate energy medicine methods
Contact us if you would like scheduling notifications.
Calender of Events
February 20th, 2019
One’s Energetic Body
This one-day workshop will explore the practice of seeing and knowing that part of yourself not seen by the naked eye. We will bla bla bla. This workshop is open to all levels of practice.
Fee: $250
Location: bla bla bla
Click here to reserve your space.