In previous articles, I have written about the ability of medicine men/shamans and other healers to access information intuitively about the people for whom they work. Therefore, it seems useful to describe this phenomenon in greater detail and how and why I use it in my practice.
In the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 3rd Ed. (1992), intuition is defined as: 1. “The act or faculty of knowing or sensing without the use of rational processes; immediate cognition… a perceptive insight. 2. A sense of something not evident or deducible; an impression.” Physician and medical intuitive, Mona Lisa Schulz, MD, Ph.D., defines intuition by stating: “Intuition occurs when we directly perceive facts outside the range of the usual five senses and independently of any reasoning processes”. Psychotherapist Belleruth Naparstek refers to intuition as one’s sixth sense or psychic potential. Psychiatrist, Judith Orloff, M.D. sees the Intuitive as a means of describing the psychic, prefers the term intuitive versus psychic due to the variety of myths and misconceptions associated with the term psychic. Personally, I use these terms interchangeably depending on with whom I am speaking. The public is also aware of the term Extra Sensory Perception (ESP), which I consider an intuitive phenomenon.
When presenting the topic of intuition to health care colleagues, I speak of: “Seeing that which is not normally seen; hearing (as in telepathically) that which is not normally heard; feeling (kinesthetically) that which is not normally felt; and knowing, beforehand, that which is yet to occur (precognition).”
Clairvoyance - Seeing information, such as a person’s Luminous Energy Field or a person’s deceased relative
Clairaudience - Hearing information which is most frequently experienced as thoughts
Clairsentience - Feeling information, such as feeling in my body precisely that which a patient is feeling in her body
Precognition - Knowing information that has yet to occur in linear time. Also, knowing information in a non-linear manner is often referred to as an intuitive hit. For example, a physician knowing that his patient has a cancerous breast tumor even though all radiographic data and palpations show no evidence of such a tumor but which exploratory surgery indeed finds.
How intuitive/psychic phenomena occur is, in itself, a topic addressed in almost countless books and articles throughout the fields of metaphysics, spirituality, theology, and the hard sciences, such as quantum physics. They have been spoken of and taught throughout history in oral traditions especially among the indigenous peoples of the world. The yogi masters of India are famous for their abilities to access information about people and events that are outside those individuals’ immediate, physical purview.
For the purposes of this article, I shall share with you the typical answer I offer my patients who frequently ask, “How do you know that?” I begin by first normalizing the phenomenon of intuition, telling them that almost all humans have the ability to access information in this way. I ask them to think about a time or times in their lives when they too came to know something through intuition. Frequently, they have.
I also speak to them about people such as Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung, M.D. who theorized that humans share what he referred to as the collective unconscious, a library, so to speak, of all the knowledge humans have gathered since the beginning of their time on Earth. I also mention the theoretical and nuclear physicist, Amit Goswami, Ph.D., who referred to the “undivided, non-local consciousness.” The shamans and medicine people of the world describe the human being’s soul as being of the Divine and therefore, infinite and eternal. Hence, it has access to what theologians call Divine omniscience (all knowingness). The yogis refer to the superconscious that is tapping into the Christ Consciousness and Cosmic Consciousness. Lakota medicine man Wallace Black Elk said that he received information directly from spirits and spirit guides.
I further introduce my patients to the works of laser physicists Russell Targ and Harold Puthoff who conducted research on psychic abilities, specifically, the phenomenon they call “remote viewing,” which is essentially, the ability to literally see in one’s mind that which another person, in another physical location is seeing directly (Targ & Puthoff, 1977). I encourage my patients to read the works of these people so that they can “seed” their own minds with the data I know to be true (reference my article on muscle-testing).
On a more personal level, I tell my patients that in my service to them, I have committed myself to being an agent of the Holy Spirit and as such, have offered to be open to any and all information, 24/7, that the Spirit would deem useful for me to possess consciously in the service of all those sent to me. I also inform those who are open to such phenomena that I receive direction and information from eight sentient beings who have assisted me since early 2003. Some folks receive this information openly and enthusiastically. We then do the work, which includes introducing patients to the muscle-testing procedure, utilized as a means of determining the accuracy of the intuitive data I receive.
As I mentioned in prior articles, I consider the patient’s soul, (High Self) and his angelic guides to be the experts about him. This is one of the major reasons why I use intuition in my practice. Therefore, I ask my patients to give their guides permission and a directive to either tell me either directly what I need to know or to tell my guides who, in turn, relay the information to me. I also reiterate that they themselves can receive this information once they develop their own intuitive abilities. Intuition is not magic, it is a trait/skill inherent in almost all human beings. As such, think of intuitive ability as one might think of musical ability. Most of us can learn to play an instrument or to sing with a degree of proficiency that allows us enjoyment. Similarly, we also know that there are those among us who are virtuosos and geniuses at their craft. In the arena of intuition, there are some that are particularly gifted.